ESIA (Environmental and Social Impact Assessment):

  • ESIA is an assessment process that adds social dimensions to the EIA process.
  • This process aims to examine not only the environmental impacts of projects, but also the social impacts of the project on society.
  • Factors such as community quality of life, local economy, cultural heritage are assessed. This aims to assess whether the project is sustainable not only in terms of environmental sustainability but also in terms of social impacts.
  • The ESIA emphasizes the social responsibility of the project and its interaction with the community.

Specific studies carried out within the scope of EIA and ESIA;

  • Background measurement and analysis (air, water, soil, noise)
  • Noise modeling
  • Air quality modeling
  • Visual impact assessment
  • Shadow effect for Wind Power Plants
  • Traffic Management
  • Climate Change Risk Assessment,
  • Cumulative Impact Assessment,
  • Greenhouse Gas Emission Report.

Both processes are important tools for planning and implementing environmentally and socially sensitive projects. EIA and ESIA aim to assess and manage the environmental and social impacts of projects in a more transparent manner.

Specific management plans are prepared for projects in accordance with national and international requirements. These include:

  • Noise Management Plan,
  • Air Quality Management Plan,
  • Waste Management Plan,
  • Wastewater Management Plan,
  • Occupational Safety and Health Management Plan,
  • Emergency Action Plan.

While international banks provide large-scale financial resources to institutions, they are required to fulfill certain requirements in terms of Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) and the environment. Institutions receiving support from international banks are expected to make improvements in occupational safety and environmental issues and ensure the continuity of the favorable conditions provided. In this context, project-based monitoring studies are carried out on OHS and environmental issues.

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