Social Impact Assessment
Social Impact Assessment studies are carried out by our expert team of experienced sociologists.
A properly planned Social Impact Assessment study ensures that the process proceeds in accordance with international standards. A study in line with international standards increases the credibility of the activity owner and contributes to obtaining a social license, which is very important for activities in Türkiye in recent times. Social license can be considered as the acceptance of the project and the project owner by all stakeholders (especially local stakeholders living in the activity area), their consent to the realization of the activity and their openness to cooperate with the owner in the later stages of the project. The existing social baseline studies conducted as part of the SIA also provide a valuable and regularly updated archive of the settlements and local communities in the project's area of influence.
Within the scope of social impact studies carried out specifically for the project:
- Desktop study and field research (household and community level surveys, interviews with vulnerable/disadvantaged groups, focus group meetings, government agency/NGO interviews and staff interviews) to establish the social baseline;
- Identification of project-related risks/potential social impacts and impact area;
- Identification of mitigation measures for identified risks/potential impacts;
- Preparation of a Stakeholder Engagement Plan, implementation of a grievance mechanism and organization of public consultation meetings;
- Preparation of key performance indicators;
- Programming of social monitoring and reporting processes.
In addition to these activities, we also prepare the relevant sub-management plans required as part of the Social Management Plan and provide training on these plans. The main sub-management plans prepared by our expert team are as follows:
- Gender Equality Action Plan, Land Acquisition Plan, Resettlement Action Plan, Livelihood Restoration Plan, Subcontractor Management Plan, Labor Management Plan, Code of Conduct Procedure, Camp Management Plan and Chance Find Procedure.